Monday, January 27, 2020

Syllabus and Safety Contract

Jewelry Design
Ms. Behr

Dear Parents/Guardian and Students,

I am excited to be teaching the Jewelry Design course at Santa Cruz High School and look forward to working with you!  This semester you will learn skills such as soldering, enameling, chain maille, etching and other basic metal-working techniques such as sawing, filing, sanding, and texturing sheet metal.  The following information is to help you understand the grading policy, classroom rules, and the materials donation/fee.  Please sign and return this paper by the first Friday of the semester. 

-       -        Standard letter grades will be given based on the following:

o   50% - Employability Skills
§  Proper use of class time and time on task
§  Participation and paying attention during demonstrations
§  Punctuality and attendance
§  Adherence to safety rules
§  Ability to follow instructions – respect for teacher and peers
§  Presenting yourself as an artist – you will keep a blog to document projects
o   50% - Projects
§  Craftsmanship
§  Proper execution of techniques
§  Meeting project guidelines
§  Degree of difficulty/challenge and improvement of skills and abilities

Classroom Rules:
  • Follow all safety guidelines (see attached sheet)
  • Cell Phones or iPods are NOT allowed unless otherwise stated, and are only to be used as a learning tool
  •  Food or drinks are NOT allowed under any circumstances – this is a health and safety precaution
  • No homework or work from another class is permitted unless instructor approval is given
  • Hall passes will be given only in case of an emergency

Required Materials:
  • You must have a sketchbook (preferably drawing paper, something without lines) specifically designed for this class for sketching and note-taking
  • A pencil
  • Metals and project materials will be covered by a $45.00 materials fee (see attached letter)

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me:
Phone: (831)429-3960 extension 140

I have read and understand this information:

Parent Signature: ________________________     

Student Signature: _______________________

Donation Letter

Dear Parent and/or Guardian,

As you may know, the public schools have had to cut budgets drastically.  This current economic situation in our state makes hands-on classes such as our fine arts classes difficult to keep in the schools and have left them severely under-funded. It requires far more funding than our budgets can provide to run the quality Jewelry program in which your student is now enrolled.  While our budgets shrink, the metal and other materials costs continue to soar.

So that we may continue to offer the high quality artistic education that our community has come to expect, we are requesting a donation from each student’s family to help cover the additional costs of running this program.  Any financial support that you can provide is greatly appreciated.

The materials donation/fee of $45.00 helps offset the cost of materials for projects that you will keep.  Please make checks payable to Santa Cruz City Schools. Please make checks out to Santa Cruz High School and write “Donation” on the memo line.  Cash is also accepted, and I will give your student a receipt (for tax purposes) if they request one.   All money should be turned into me if possible by the first Friday of the semester.

  •      $45
  •      $60
  •      $75
  •      $100
  •      Other Amount $___________

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me, email is the best way to contact me due to the fact that I teach in 3 different classrooms during the day:


Thank you so much for your support of the Fine arts at Santa Cruz High School.

Lindsay Behr
Fine Arts Instructor

Classroom Safety Contract

Metalwork requires the use of many tools, including power tools.  We should not run into any problems as long as all students are safe in the jewelry lab.  This means that it is IMPERATIVE that all students follow the following safety rules:

  • Use tools only if you were taught how to use them
  • Wear safety glasses when sawing, using the torch or using any chemicals (i.e Patina, Pickle, Etchant etc.)
  • Wear a face shield when using all power equipment such as the drills
  • Tie long hair back while using a torch, drill, or other power tools
  • Do not touch chemicals with your hands (I have gloves available for use), if contact occurs with your skin, wash immediately
  • Use tools only for their intended purpose
  • Use all tools carefully and slowly – rushing while working with tools only leads to potential injury and critical mistakes that are irreversible on your project
  • Leave all walkways clear in the classroom
  • Please stay seated at all times, unless you need to use a tool or are given permission to get up

If you are unable to follow all rules, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, and alternative written assignments will be given.

I have read the above information:

Parent Signature: _________________________  
Student Signature: ________________________